Version 2.2 of Fluidit software is here! This package is about enhanced performance. There is the much anticipated Automatic Pipe Sizing Tool for Water and Heat in this package. Fluidit Storm has been under major development. With 2.2 users of Storm will enjoy eg. much better 2D flood simulation performance with increased accuracy. Hydrant Analysis Tool improvements will make hydrant analyses with Water much more effective. And many smaller features and fixes…
📈 The complete list of 98 changes can be found here.
A short list of features is listed here 👇👇
General improvements
- The software performance has been greatly improved to render map views and schematics. The user can perform larger selections without slowing down the software’s performance.
- The support for virtual scenarios has been added. In the scenario settings, the user can set a scenario from which the scenario contents are updated.
- Components changed in child scenarios can be restored to their original state by right-clicking the component on the map view.
- All tags used in a scenario can be listed, modified, and combined with a new feature added to the tools menu
- A global list of user data entries is also available
Highlights for Fluidit Water
- Automatic pipe sizing and pipe size optimization tools have been introduced
- Greatly improved hydrant analysis tool. The results of the analysis are also added to the User Data fields for easier visualizations (no need to import the results from the Excel report). Also, the tool does not require hydrant components to be modeled separately, and the tool can utilize all scenario junctions as hydrants.
Highlights for Fluidit Heat
- Automatic pipe sizing and pipe size optimization tools have been introduced
- Import COMSOF models into Heat
Highlights for Fluidit Storm
- Increased performance for flood simulations
- Spatially-varying precipitation for 2D domain
- Global and spatially-varying infiltration in flood simulations
- The 2D flood simulations include conservation of momentum estimation
- Coupling is also available for (SWMM’s) storage units & dividers
- User-defined rating curve ’head vs flow’ for coupled nodes
- Stability improvements for 1D/2D coupled simulations
A highlight for Fluidit Sewer
- Improved pollutant report for link components (also for Storm)