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Fluidit’s Academic License

At Fluidit, we provide complimentary licenses for our advanced hydraulic simulation software suite – Fluidit Water, Sewer, Storm, and Heat – to students and universities for teaching and research purposes. Our tools have proven invaluable in hydraulic modeling, analysis, and simulation.

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Find the Right Academic License for You

Discover our three flexible license types. Mostly free and tailored for your needs!

Full functionality✔ ✔  ✔  
Classroom exercises✔ ✔  ✔  
On demand software support (Email)✔(for paid license only) 
User platform
(Full documentation WIKI, installation guides, roadmap, updates)
✔  ✔ (one user account for course’s responsible)
License periodProject’s duration (free) / Subscription (paid)Course’s duration (renewal required)Project’s duration (MSc/PhD thesis)
Number of seats1 / By contract25+1
PriceFree / $*FreeFree
* Research license can be free or paid depending on the project. Prices heavily discounted.
Post secondary undergraduate or graduate student✔ 
Faculty member✔ ✔ 
Researcher✔ ✔ * (if used for teaching)
Include Fluidit citation in published material✔ ✔ ✔ 
Answer feedback formOnly for free license✔ ✔ 
Allow Fluidit to share the published materialOnly for free license✔ 

Academic Impact and Testimonials

Fluidit is a trusted solution for academic institutions, serving as a robust platform for teaching and research. Universities worldwide have leveraged our software for a variety of applications, as evidenced by the diverse range of articles and research conducted using Fluidit. 

Our software has facilitated the completion of over 10 student theses, supported the studies of dozens of researchers, and has been utilized for teaching purposes in more than 10 courses. You can explore these publications here.

“Fluidit’s specialists teach our students and researchers of Water and Environmental Engineering with their modeling software to understand the operation and behavior of water and wastewater systems. Fluidit actively leads the whole water industry into more intelligent direction with their research-oriented approach.”

Professor Riku Vahala

Water and wastewater engineering, Aalto University

Fluidit Sewer, Fluidit Water

Fluidit’s Academic License

We believe our software can significantly enhance your studies and are eager to establish a collaboration with you and your department.

To finalize your application, please send the necessary documents to prove your eligibility to Your application will be reviewed once we receive both the completed form and the required supporting documents.