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See the Whole Picture of District Energy

Transform how you simulate and manage District Energy networks. Fluidit Heat delivers detailed, year-long simulations, helping you reduce costs, optimize energy, and lower CO₂ emissions.

The limits of static simulations – Fluidit Heat changes this

Running year-long, hourly stepped simulations for entire District Energy networks has traditionally been a significant challenge for hydraulic modeling software. Instead, static simulations have typically been used, offering only momentary snapshots of how a network behaves at a specific time. As a result, understanding the current and future behavior of these complex systems has often relied on piecemeal “cut-and-paste” methods.

With Fluidit Heat, you can run extensive, robust time-series simulations that enable you to:

  • Optimize energy consumption and sourcing.
  • Manage dynamic supply temperature
  • Leverage demand flexibility.

Create reliable “what-if” scenarios to better understand potential futures.

This allows you to identify optimal investments, reduce operating costs, lower CO₂ emissions, and make informed decisions about what actions to take— or avoid.

The rise of 5th-generation networks brings new complexities to simulations, including more versatile energy sourcing, mixed roles such as prosumers, and lower operating temperatures. Fluidit Heat is built to handle these challenges seamlessly, and yes, district cooling is supported as well.

With a modern software architecture that delivers high-performance simulations, advanced analytics, and easier integrations, Fluidit Heat combines cutting-edge technology with our top-level expertise in physics and hydromechanics. Together, these tools and insights ensure the success of your energy network modeling.

Fluidit Heat is much more than just a hydraulic simulator. 

Model and simulate the present conditions, future scenarios, or past events based on measurement data.

A hierachical scenario management system grants you access to all scenarios and their results in the same model file. You can efficiently work with multiple scenarios and easily compare them.

Optimize production unit settings, test different merit orders, or create custom production rules based on e.g. fuel prices or minimum operation durations.

Consider variables such as varying fuel and electricity prices, electrical power tariffs, and emissions tariffs, to determine the net operating costs of production plants and pumping stations. 

Make the most of it

Custom your user interface – Boost the workflow with unlimited result windows and window configurations.

Customize the map views – Utilize your own background maps, component symbols, colors and sizes.

Too complicated controls don’t exist – If the build-in controls don’t support your modeling project, custom controls stations and open API are here to help.

Stuck with you project? Our software support team is full hydraulic professionals who also teach in top Finnish universities.

Feasibility Studies

Evaluate the viability of your projects using comprehensive meteorological data to ensure reliable performance year-round.

Scenario Comparisons

Explore various scenarios and compare outcomes to make informed decisions and prepare for diverse operational conditions.

Energy Optimization

Maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness by optimizing your operations in response to fluctuating hourly energy prices.

Production Testing

Ensure your production plans and control strategies are robust and effective through rigorous testing and validation.

Historical Data

Leverage historical data to enhance the accuracy and relevance of your simulations and analyses.

    1.Feasibility Studies
    2.Scenario Comparisons
    3.Energy Optimization
    4.Production Testing
    5.Historical Data

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“The use of Fluidit Heat has already resulted in significant savings in investment costs. In one renovation project, we were able to determine that we could use pipes that were three dimensions smaller than we had initially planned, resulting in substantial savings in material and transportation expenses.”

Mikko Kivistö

Network Engineer, Hyvinkään Lämpövoima Oy

Fluidit Heat

”While we are still in the early phases of building models of our systems, we are already getting great value through understanding the impact of changes in the system, and thus making better decisions. Modeling should be an essential part of our daily operations in the future.”

Dr. Sigríður Sigurðardóttir

Manager, Network Development, Veitur, Iceland

Fluidit Heat, Fluidit Storm, Fluidit Water

“I like how easily I can visualize the network data, GIS background layers and simulation results, and create professional graphical illustrations using Heat’s built-in tools. And better yet, I can do this with multiple scenarios to develop robust comparisons and quickly identify undersized pipelines.”

Kasperi Lehtinen

Network Engineer, Lahti Energia

Fluidit Heat

“In the future, we would like to do more scenario analysis to get insights into how different weather conditions affects our network. I usually get many new ideas while doing the modeling work – the possibilities with Fluidit Heat are endless.“

Kasperi Lehtinen

Network Engineer, Lahti Energia

Fluidit Heat

“Fluidit Heat offers comprehensive tools and an intuitive user interface for analyzing complex district energy systems. The most remarkable strengths of the software include the calculation speed of the simulator and the broad range of easy visualization tools for simulation results.”

Panu Kuitunen

System Engineer, Heating & Cooling Finland, City Solutions, Fortum

Fluidit Heat

“A great advantage is the possibility to utilize Python scripts for performing analysis comprising thousands of simulations that would otherwise require a huge amount of time and manual labor. Add the expertise of Fluidit’s team and it is guaranteed that not a single district energy system related issue will be left unsolved.”

Panu Kuitunen

System Engineer, Heating & Cooling Finland, City Solutions, Fortum

Fluidit Heat

“Fluidit has showcased significant flexibility in modeling, with our own competence becoming the primary limitation rather than the software.”

Carl Lenman

System Analyst, Hafslund Oslo, Celsio

Fluidit Heat

“We were primarily interested in a calculation and simulation tool that works with geographic information systems (GIS), making it easy to import, manipulate, present and export maps. Fluidit ticked all the boxes. For example, we really liked the colour coding for temperature, pressure, speed and direction of matter within the network.”

Mark Supper

Engineer at Rotterdam Engineering BV

Fluidit Heat

“User-Friendly and feature-rich tool with integrated GIS, which is a plus. It seemed like complex networks and systems would not be a problem. The scenario tool using base- and child scenarios is very helpful.”

Stijn Wolterink

District Heating System Developer, Warmtenetwerk Westland

Fluidit Heat

Find the right plan for you

We offer simple licencing solutions and bundles tailored to your needs. All our licenses are unlimited in model size, number of components and features. Use our floating network licenses to maximize flexibility in your organization.

We’re here to help

A unique offering, tailored to your needs.

Our team of technicians, analysts, and problem-solvers helps you get the most out of your data.

We meet you wherever you are on the digital journey and provide support for as long as you require.