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Advanced Leak Localization: How Hydraulic Modeling Helps Utilities Reduce Water Loss

    Water loss is an ongoing challenge for utilities worldwide. Undetected leaks not only waste precious resources but also lead to infrastructure damage, financial losses, and even public health concerns. 

    Traditional methods of leak localization are labor-intensive and often inefficient due to the extensive network coverage and the uncertainty of where to begin. By utilizing advanced hydraulic modeling and optimization tools, utilities can adopt a proactive approach to identifying leaks more quickly and effectively.

    Why Leak Localization Matters

    Pipe bursts can cause major issues, like pressure fluctuations, service interruptions, and costly repairs. By using data-driven leak localization, utilities can not only reduce water loss but also extend the lifespan of their infrastructure and optimize operations.

    Fluidit Water offers a precise and systematic approach to leak localization, combining hydraulic modeling with real-world measurements to quickly identify the most probable leak locations. Here’s how it works:

    Leak Localization in 3 Steps

    To localize leaks, you will need the following:

    • A hydraulic model: either the entire network or a specific District Metered Area (DMA).
    • Flow measurement devices: to detect leaks and to compare to modelled data.
    • Demand points: to improve demand allocation within the DMA.
    • Pressure measurement devices: to aid in pinpointing leak location and to validate the hydraulic model.

    Step 1: Analyze the DMA Water Balance to Detect Leaks

    Start by checking the water balance within the DMA to identify potential leaks. Key questions to consider:

    • What is the size of the leak? For instance, how much has water usage increased?
    • If the pressure zone is connected to other zones with lower hydraulic head, has water consumption decreased in those zones? A drop in consumption may indicate an open valve between zones, rather than a true leak.

    Step 2: Model Pre-Leak Conditions in Fluidit Water

    When you identify a leak, create a model of the network or just the DMA of interest under pre-leak conditions using Fluidit Water. Adjust the demand of the DMA to match the pre-leak conditions by modifying demand patterns, demand multipliers, and zone multipliers. 

    Compare the pressure data of the model to the real-world measurements. Ensure that the modelled junctions have the same elevations as the measurement devices to ensure comparability.

    • If there is difference between the modelled and measured pressures, you may need to adjust the model. Potential issues include unknown closed valves, data errors in demand data, or inaccuracies in pressure measurements.

    Step 3: Run Leak Localization

    Now, you can start the leak localization process:

    • Create a new scenario and add a new demand that serves as the leak.
    • Open the Optimize and Calibrate tool. In the cost settings, define the pressure difference between the model and the measurement data as the cost (the larger the pressure difference, the higher the cost).
    • Add a new variable for the leak demand, using the Parent node as the variable.
    • Set all junctions in the DMA as potential candidates for the Parent node. The optimization tool attempts to locate the leak to each of these junctions.
    • Hit the Optimize button and leak localization starts. The optimal location is determined by minimizing the cost, which corresponds to the smallest pressure difference.

    Next Steps: Improve Accuracy Through Data Quality

    The accuracy of leak localization improves when the data quality is high across all input sources—network data, flow and pressure measurements and demand points.

    Why Utilities Need a Data-Driven Approach

    Gone are the days of trial-and-error leak detection. With hydraulic modeling and optimization, utilities can replace costly field inspections with smart simulations that pinpoint the most probable leak locations. This not only speeds up repair efforts but also reduces operational disruptions, helping cities ensure a more resilient and sustainable water supply.

    By leveraging the power of Fluidit Water, utilities gain a scalable and accurate solution to tackle one of the biggest challenges in water distribution. Are you ready to enhance your leak detection strategy? Contact us!

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