Hydraulic modeling resources
Deeply rooted in our values is the constant progress and co-creation with the universities and academia. In this page we will collate resources related to hydraulic modeling, the use of Fluidit software in articles and theses, and other relevant information regarding hydraulic modeling, pipe network analyses, and overall development of the field.

Fluidit video library

Fluidit blog posts archive
- Advanced Leak Localization: How Hydraulic Modeling Helps Utilities Reduce Water Loss
- How Groupe E optimized district heating with Fluidit Heat
- Reference letter from SEC
- How EFLA Optimized Iceland’s Water Management with Fluidit Software: A Success Story
- Fluidit 2.5 Suite: faster and more versatile!
- Boosting investments IRR with the use of Fluidit Heat in Turku Energia
- Empowering the energy transition at Fluvius, Belgium
- Streamlining Hydraulic Modeling in Canada: KWL Engineering’s Success with Fluidit Heat
- Fluidit Storm – A fast and user-friendly hydraulic modeling software
- Improving investment efficiency with Fluidit Heat in Hyvinkää
- Planning heat supply to greenhouses at Westland Netherlands
- 2.2 Fluidit hydraulic modeling suite updates
- Modernizing hydraulic modeling software for sewer system analysis
- Using a hydraulic model in utility asset management
- 2.1 Fluidit hydraulic simulator suite updates
- Assessing heat recovery potential from sewers
- Heat recycling from Microsoft’s datacenter
- Hydraulic modeling helping Nicaraguan village
- What is hydraulic modeling?
- Hydraulic modeling in Veitur – the largest utility in Iceland
- Hydraulic simulation with Fluidit Heat ticks all the boxes for Rotterdam Engineering
- Fluidit 2.0 for consultants
- The story of how we became Fluidit
- Fixing flaws with district energy network model
- Preparing towards digital twin of real life system
Other hydraulic modeling resources
Publications done in English by Fluidit personnel or publication that have used Fluidit software in their research.
Other useful resources (Finnish mainly)